Partnered with Honda Canada instructor Yoshi Nakatani was Rockin’ the Red for another wildly successful Moto-GymKhana event in beautiful BC. Held on May 11th, 2014 the second annual MGK event saw a host of activities including Honda’s Junior Red Riders program, scooters and ATV demonstrations, and an action packed day.
MGK is an event consisting of speed pattern racing where the rider follows a new course ‘layout’, reacting by driving the bike into turns, braking, and accelerating in a closed loop. The goal is simply to complete the course in the fastest time with the fewest errors.
Cecile Gambin Photography was on hand and capturing all the excitement including one from atop the Honda Trailer. Thanks guys for helping me up!! Check out the course that Yoshi put together from a birds eye view. The circular pattern of cones named ‘The Vortex’ was a highlight for riders. Instructors Yoshi and Reagan are out in the field teaching their students the layout.
Never been to or heard of Moto-Gymkhana? Check out my picture book below to help you understand!
Mandatory walk around the enclosed loop to help prepare and learn the course. Actual MGK events require riders to go in blind relying heavily on their knowledge of the ‘cone code’ where the colour of a cone defines a rule. For example, red cones are for right hand turns. The Rock the Red program is user friendly and designed to help a rider understand and learn MGK.A set of wireless timing system insures quick and accurate timing results. The bike must be within the yellow rectangle at the start and must end inside a similar box at another point in the course. The tire must not go past the yellow tape at the finish line.Lead Instructor Yoshi Nakatani and Regan help noobie MGK riders learn the course with a little help from yellow arrows pointing the way.Teaching course marshalls the rules of MGK. Yoshi hates this part of his job :pYoshi checking the course layout and warming up the tires before the event begins.Honda’s CB500F and the 125 Grom were used for the events. Riders could choose between one of the two categories (CBF or Grom) for the competition.Fail! Although fast and showing lots of promise this Grom rider went past the Yellow tape at the finish line.While MGK might look easy falls can happen. Usually the rider and the bike are unharmed as speed isn’t a factor. Most riders barely get out of second gear again reinforcing the fact that this is an event not based on speed but rather on technical skills.Motorcycle riders and spectators are always up for a good laugh!Working with Honda’s Junior Red Riders the good folks at Popkum Motorpark are all thumbs up!A CB500F on course and on deck a fleet of Groms patiently waiting their turn.First place Grom Class Trophy. Pretty sweet plate!!Honda’s Junior Red Riders are at all MGK events. Bring your child and they’ll come back with smiles!Even the little tykes get to play while Mommy and Daddy get to ride big bikes of their own.Want to try an ATV, or a scooter? Honda demo programs are also on hand at all MGK events.A great job by Yoshi Nakatani, as well as Honda Canada and all the volunteers for a successful 2014 event.
If you are interested in trying an MGK event the next stops are in Boucherville, Quebec (May 24) and in Markham, Ontario (August 10).