Welcome to the 55th edition of the Terra Nova Enduro 2012 which was largely set in beautiful Mulmur Hills, Ontario and surrounding area. For event photos please clickHERE.
The crew at The Halton Off Road Riders Association (HORRA) put on yet another stunning and well run event. Despite the rather gloomy forecast rain was only evident in the morning and replaced by warm winds and cloudy skies by early afternoon. All the typical Terra Nova tracks one comes to expect were used including single track from various Simcoe County Forests, and private tracks from Lance’s, Neils, and Lee’s farms. Shame on those who stayed in bed – the weather man got it all wrong and you missed a fun yet challenging event.
Following the new style of enduros HORRA wasted no time in created a super cool enduroX. Lee Martin and Kevin Burnett (Rally Connex) worked hard, moved land, and re-sculpted the old MX track at Primose campground. Considering the size of the track I am sure others helped out and hats off to you. The EnduroX was definitely a Terra Nova highlight and created quite the level of awesomeness!
It takes a lot of work to put together an enduro of this length (190km+) and, again, without the help of the countless volunteers events like this would not be possible. A huge thank you to all you unsung heroes.
The first special test of the day was a greasy but fun one.My favourite quote of the day came from Vet. Expert supastar Rome Haloftis: ‘I fell OFF the grass track’. Not sure how you fall off a flat grass track but look Rome…someone else did too 🙂OFTR watchdog. Looks downright vicious doesn’t he?This foot long hotdog wasn’t the meal of choice for the riders but……it was this puppy’s choice of food who really didn’t appreciate me taking his picture. Joking it’s a Halloween prop!!This rider (Bill?) came in hot into the EnduroX and gave the spectators the most entertaining show with his go for broke ‘ride ’em cowboy’ style. Not sure what the time was on his report card but IMO he was the fastest through the X section.While some riders landed nose down KTM’s Mission Cycle backed rider Kevin Cockayne rode through with the front wheel up and landed the top step on the podium in the Pro class.The log section.Lee Martin showing us the line in the final corner of the X section before the big, sandy uphill finish.The wall. Intimidating from the bottom.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for taking the time to read my blog, and purchasing photos. Your support is truly appreciated and while I cannot contribute to the household income my hopes are to cover gas expenses and repair my equipment when it gets damaged from the elements (mainly water, dust and sand). For me photography is not only recording an instance it is also an art form and I strive to include art into my photographs. Your comments good or bad are always appreciated (constructive feedback is how I learn). Spread the word. It’s been a ride this year and sorry I didn’t get any photos from the Great Pine Enduro. I had the itch to race myself. Find me on Facebook on my page ‘Cecile Gambin Photography’ for the latest updates.Oh look…it’s a Berg. A sandy Berg. Had it had been any colder I could have said an ‘ice Berg’. But since it was rather mild I’ll just call it a tired Berg. hehehehe…No disrespect intended on my behalf … but thanks for the entertainment and good photo ops at the finish line 🙂Thank you HORRA, racers, volunteers, Primose Campground, land owners and many others for a great day!
For quick access to the Codrington photo gallery please click here. Please note that I have at least 2-3 pictures of each rider so scroll down or give me a shout and I’ll help you out.
Just north of the 401 at exit 509 lies a small community called Codrington. I had never been there before and all I knew was that it was close to the Northumberland Forest. ‘Fair enough’ I thought to myself, ‘there’s has got to be some excellent riding with some fun hills thrown in.’ I arrived at the farm around 7:30 just in time to get the last bit of sweet sunlight. I had planned on being there earlier but the Tim Hortons at Port Hope took over 15 minutes to prep my toasted sesame seed bagel with regular cream cheese.
I grabbed my camera and began recording the last Off Road Ontario XC race of the year. It was a beautiful morning and the sun was fighting hard to burn off the mist left over from the cool night. It was strangely quiet as campers lay dormant and only a handful of people were busying themselves with morning chores. At the base of the campsite stood a drumlin majestic in its own solitaire way – uniquely Canadian and typical of this area. I was captivated by the beauty of the farm and its surrounding fields decorated in fading yellows, delicate whites, and crimson flowers. A wonderful course layed out by the TNT crew and a perfect place to end the XC season.
I would also like to take this time and say thank you to the riders for allowing me to take your pictures and to the race organisers and volunteers for pointing me in the right direction. Photography for me is an art and I love spending my time in the woods looking for that perfect shot. Thank you also to my supporters – your comments and enthusiasm towards my work does not go unnoticed and it is a strong driving force – one that I often reflect upon when sitting in the woods getting regularly eaten by black flies, deer flies and mosquitoes. And than there’s the poison ivy…but that’s another story. See you all at the enduros or on the local trails and don’t forget to style it when you see my camera.
Off Road Ontario’s KTM 2012 XC series was sizzling hot. Great races, great people and tons of fun.Run-bikes eagerly waiting for their owners to take them out for an early morning spin.Races aren’t always hectic and noisy. In this picture mom spends some quiet time with her son.TNT and OO member Bill Watson explaining the arrows.And the races have started with the pee wee and junior riders going first.Minimalism. You either like it or you don’t. I enjoyed the simplicity of the fields showing their late summer colours and textures.When I walked through these fields I was dwarfed by the flora. From a distance I could only see the young racers helmets as they flew through the tall grass.The morning racers are off and battling for ‘holeshot’ bragging rights.Number 1 plate holder for the 2013 season Ted Dirstein showing us how it’s done on ‘Hones Hump’.The course was described as fair but tough just like ‘Judge Judy’. This rider got rocked in a greasy technical section of the course.Riding tip: quite often the best line if the one closest to the tree and off to the outside of the trail. Choosing the correct line is essential to keeping smooth and conserving precious energy.
Third place finisher Mike Vanden Hoeven pilots his Suzuki around the deep ruts and slippery rocks.Bill Watson sharing with us the reason he spends time organising events – because riding is a lifestyle and it’s something he loves to do! A HUGE thank you to all race organisers, OO crew and the many volunteers for making the 2012 season a success.Flying high with Machine Racing Yamaha rider Zach Lewis who had a horrible start and worked his way into 2nd place.Yamaha rider Wojo taking the win and with it the number 1 plate for the 2013 season. Congrats!Number one plate holders for the upcoming 2013 season. Kudos to all racers and to countless volunteers that make racing possible.
Offroad racing in an urban city just became reality. On August 26, 2012 Motomotions inaugural XC event took place at Chicopee Ski & Summer Resort, in Kitchener, Ontario. Fielding Offroad Ontario’s largest race turnout the event (over 200) was both challenging yet fun for racers and spectators alike.
Under another blazing hot sunny day, the newly layed out course held up well under dry, dusty conditions. With lots of switchbacks, off camber climbs, near vertical ups and downs – the course can be crowned as one of the most difficult on the Offroad Ontario XC circuit. Not impossible…but challenging. And in my opinion…challenge is good. I don’t know about you but that’s how I learn and how I get better. There were a few bottle necks in the morning races but don’t forget…this is a brand new course. Hiccups are bound to happen and I am sure these will be dealt with appropriately next year.
I had a blast taking pictures for this event. Taking photos in a new facility always amps up my creative juices. The most difficult part of the day (besides becoming ‘crispy’ from too much sun) was the dust. Like most of the race season this summer the dust has been relentless. I decided to stay with one lens as I did not want to change it out in the open. I just spent good money cleaning my sensor and, quite frankly, I cannot afford to part with my camera for a few days while it sits on some white lab table at Nikon HQ.
Not only was this a spectacular event Chicopee had a their restaurant/bar open and lots of beers were sold during and after the races for spectators and racers alike. Entrance money from over 400+ people was also collected in support of the Rick Hanson Foundation. Killer award plaques – sporting a huge 10×15″ size – found their way into the hands of podium recipients. Pro autograph session, free posters, vendors, exhibitors and tons of activities for the entire family. Need I say more?
I have put together a photo report with some of my favourite photos. I hope you enjoy them. The rest of the photos are available via my website at http://order.cecilegambin.com/riders. And, if you want to know my where abouts and what CGP is shooting next catch me on Facebook under Cecile Gambin Photography.
The PeeWee course was the best and the cutest I have ever seen. Held under a canopy of trees the little racers battled it out riding some sweet flowing singletrack.‘Soupy’ working his way down the course.Riding the ridge at the top of the ski hill overlooking Kitchener.Urban racing was a treat with a beautiful 360 degree view every lap.Activites for young kids were plentiful during the races. I would just dig jumping around in this bouncy castle!Balloons, face painting, beach volleyball (lots of sand for the wee ones), a bouncy castle, and lots of race action = fun for kids.Fastest pit stop I’ve ever seen. This future ‘Yamaha’ rider is lucky to have Dad in his pit crew.Lots of vendors and exibitors were on hand by the chalet.Not your usual find at an offroad race but at least Sally was well tucked in for her afternoon nap.Race time. Yamaha’s Brian Wojnarowski drinking up at the start line.Start of the Pro men’s race, third place finisher, Brian Gallt from the US, leads out Wojo and VandenHoek.Brian Marshall flying up the wall finishing the day in 9th.Jacob Faber rides hard to a first place finish in the Expert class.Kevin Cockayne hammering a rough section of the course finishing a strong 5th in the Pro class.Wojo, and Pro race winner jumping the logs in the enduro section of the course.Once fatigue sets in and even the pros have a hard time with the enduro section.Ethan Sultana ripping through the long flat downhill before the sweeping left hander at the bottom of the course.One happy morning racer. Congrats on the race finish!!Left to Right: Steve Polonoski from Macquire’s and Motomotion, Suzuki’s Mike VandenHoek finishing a solid 2nd, Yamaha’s Brian Wojnorawski cleaning up in first, and Chris Gallt riding KTM rounding the podium with a third place finish.Jill Carney wrapping up a hard fought race with a third place finish in the Ladies A class gives her son a drink of water. By the end of the day Jacob had learned how to use the Camel back hydration system. This is good news for any parent as he can now carry his own water 🙂
Ok…so I’ve had a few issues with my tags not working. I’m hoping everything is fixed now and that my blogs and pictures are easier to find in the land of the triple W. If you’ve missed the news on the following off-road events or want to check out some pics please see the following and click where it says tells you to:
– To see photo report and get link to Offroad Ontario Burnt River XC 2012 click HERE.
– To see photo report and get link to Honda Canada ‘Rock the Red’ MotoGymKhana 2012 click HERE.
– To see photo report and get link to Algonquin 2 Day Ride2012 click HERE.
– To see photo report and get link to Offroad Ontario RJ’s XC 2012 click HERE.
– To see photo report and get link to SCORRA Ladies Training Day 2012 click HERE.
– To see photo report and get link to CMX & VMX Grand Bend MX 2012 click HERE.