Ahhhh…les belles Pyrenees!!! Spent as much time as I could hiking in the mountains over the past few weeks. With my baby in the backpack, the other one running around, French Baguette, yummy cheese, saucisson, water and camera in the bag we enjoyed the scenery and the hikes!!
Here are a few of my favourites. Both were taken at the ‘Cirque de Troumouse’ – surrounded by mountains. Literally!!! Saw some sheep, but the cows had already been taken down to lower elevations.
This particular day was windy, very windy and cold! Luc didn’t like that so he spent the most part sheltered warm and cozy in the backpack with hat and mitts on. 1800 m elevation so the air was pretty chilly. Big grey clouds blew in and out for the most part of the day. Finally around 4pm a wee bit of sunshine peaked through and that’s when i grabbed my camera and took as many pictures as I could during its brief appearance.