SCORRA knows how to put on a fun day. In fact, I decided to do just that…have fun. Early this morning I loaded both my Gas Gas TXT 200 trials bike and my KTM 200. I also grabbed my camera gear but decided to take pictures with my fun camera – my iPad. It was afterall a ‘Fun Day’.

I started the day chatting with people I had not seen in a while as I slowly geared up and unloaded my bikes. SCORRA had it all: trails, MX track, trials area, and kids MX track. Honda and MotoHeadz were also on board with demo bikes. OFTR, Mission Cycle, the boys from St. Onge, and many others were also available to help out with suspension issues, and other great answers to questions.

I decided to hit the trials area first as I had not used my trials bike yet this year. And it showed. I plowed into the logs and got my bike over but not in a trials like way. It worked but it was not pretty and it showed my lack of clutch control. Next the A Frame. Well…I got hung up at the top. Three times. I looked around and spotted a very vertical teeter-totter. I can do that I thought to myself. I’ve done these many times on both my trials and mountain bikes. Done!

By this time Dave Butler had come out to give me some pointers on double gas blips. I tried but did not conquer and than left. Typical of my short attention span I decided to move onto something else and hit the trails. So, I parked the bike and hopped on the KTM. Gotta love a day when you can do that. Went out with my friend Gary Shackleton and rode the trails at RJ’s. Fun, fun and fun. But also, hard, hard and hard! Lots of deep ruts, exposed roots, rocks, braking and suspension bumps. After the trail session Gary and I hit the MX track. Loads of fun riding on a track and a completely different beast over woods riding. There used to be a double by the grandstand a few years ago. That was a fun one to jump but now they all seemed huge. Probably me shrinking. In any case, I decided to be mature and save myself from potential injury by keeping the wheels on the ground.

After lunch I decided to tackle the Williams track and I fell in love. Who ever designed these trails had woods bike in mind. Flow, flow and flow. That’s how I like my trails! Thanks to Jaime for hanging out with me for that ride.

Here are a few pictures from today. Again, my focus was on riding today. Not camera work. Sorry people but I have not ridden much this year and my bikes were calling for me. It felt to good to be back in the saddle and I know my legs will be sore tomorrow!

Huge thanks to SCORRA and there volunteers for a great event!

Waiting to ride. Pre-riders meetings.
Tracy from OFTR with the Zero bike. Never did get a chance to try it but those who did came back with huge smiles. Take-off is rocket like. Super fast!
It was good to catch up with The Jervais Family from MotorHeadz. Had not seen them since the purchase of my 2008 Gas Gas TXT200.
A collection of people images.
The teeter-totter. One of the few trials obstacles I actually did with some degree of trials control.
Crowds filling in.
Always fun to hang around with and a damn good rider…except during water crossings 🙂


SCORRA Ladies Training Day 2012

On the learning flats, taking a short break and watching dark skies ahead.

Judging from the amount of comments received and smiles seen I would say that the 2012 Ladies Training Day was a success. This marks my third year, along with Allision Grummet, Jaime Kowitz, and Tammie Wilson as instructors teaching an all-women offroad clinic. Also joining us was Megan Grummet – Allisons younger sister. The clinic was held on private property north west of Barrie and although the skies threatened to open up and rear its ugly head it never did.

At the sound of the car horn the riders meeting began (more or less) at 9:30 am. Greeting the instructors were about 30 women ready to learn and ride which frankly amazed us because of the torrential downpour the day before and the bleak cool overcast day ahead of us. I told them the rain was a blessing in disguise because the ability to control the bike in slippery conditionis would become of paramount importance. Plus, the soft ground would be quite ideal should an occasional, or accidental, dismount occur. This, essentially, would be a perfect day for learning. Todd had been working hard all week shaping the long grass into figure 8’s, and several long open straight-aways for us to practice on. He even created a large area and combed the grass for hidden rocks. Clearly, this is a man wanting more women on bikes. Super cool! So, we were not going to disappoint him by not wanting to ride and get dirty.

Taking into consideration the wet trails I readjusted the days lesson plans to include lots of braking and throttle work. Back to the basics – fundamentals skills – without them we do not advance, nor look very graceful. Allison and Megan took the beginner group while Jamie, Tammie and myself tackled the intermediate and advance class. We divided the ladies into three groups of 4-5 people, taught the skills and practiced each drill for about 20 or so minutes. After which, the groups rotated in a clockwise direction thus allowing each group to have a different instructor teaching a different skill. Morning skills for all groups consisted of braking, clutch, body position, throttle control, and gearing with each skill becoming progressively harder as the experience of the rider necessitated.

Lunch was cooked by SCORRA members Don Moore and his assistant chef, and consisted of hamburgers, sausages, fresh condiments, watermelon, fruit and cookies (I know Vanessa liked the cookies because her and I were scarfing them down at the end of the day). We also had a few draw prizes after lunch. As previously posted a few ‘blogs’ back I had created an ‘Ontario Women’ series of posters that would allow me to donate profits to help increase the number of women offroad riders. The sales from the Jamie and Melanie posters permitted me to buy a gift certificate from Mission Cycle and congratulations are extended to Kim Carrigan – the recipient of the gift certificate.

After lunch, we gave the ladies a choice of either heading out to a guided trail ride, stopping along the way for instruction as needed. Or, to stay behind and learn more advanced skills and continue to practice. To my amazement again more women stayed behind and were keen on learning advanced skills such as wheelies, stoppies, and jumping.

The day ended around 4pm. Lots were tired but still had the energy for plenty of smiles. Which made us, the instructors, and Jen very happy. By the way best line of the day…I asked Todd if he had ever had this many women riding his MX track and he said ‘no’ with a smile. I am pretty sure I can safely say that the guys love seeing women ride!!

Thanks to Jen Cole for organising this wonderful event, the crew at SCORRA (Brad Obee, Don Moore, Chris Zanelli and many others), Todd and Angela, Mission Cycle and the instructors. It was a beautiful day, spent on an amazing piece of property with a ‘badass’ vista of Barrie’s escarpment, and the sweet sound of buzzing bikes and laughing people.

To see the entire album of photos please visit my gallery at: It was great meeting everyone and hopefully we will see you on the trails or at next years clinic.

Playing tag while working on balance and clutch skills.
On the figure 8 track and learning quickly.Down the straights learning how to go over logs. This straight was instrumental teaching the ladies how to wheelie and getting the front tire over larger obstacles.
Thanks to Don and Master BBQ Chef for the excellent lunch.

Chillaxin' over the lunch break.

Angela and friend looking on. Nice helmets 🙂
Our youngest and super duper rider, Vanessa, showing us how it is done on the downhills.
By the end of the day my group did not want to learn how to do stoppies they just wanted to hit the MX track. Super cool!

Ladies Off-Road Clinic this Saturday

The fourth annual Ladies Off-Road Clinic put on by our friendly folks at SCORRA is being held this Saturday, June 2 north/west of Barrie. Jen Cole starting prepping for this years clinic late 2011 securing dates for the one day show. This will be my third year as head instructor and as always I am looking forward to teach and show the ladies how fun, and challenging (well I think they know that) it is to ride off-road.

Our clinic features hardcore instructors who know how to ride. Back again are:

Allison Grummet – no stranger to motorised bikes and probably had a bike before a tricycle. I recently saw Allison competiting at a MotoGymKhana event with the guys and she kicked butt.

Jamie Kowitz – Do not let her long blonde locks fool you. Jamie is an experienced Ontario woods, as well as Nevada and Baja rider extraordinaire – need I say more?

Tammie Wilson – Tammie is just one of those naturally gifted athletic people. Her and I go back a few years racing Hare Scrambles. It was generally a fight to the end!

Melanie Dennie – Unfortunately, Melanie will not be with us this year as she will have had ACL reconstruction surgery the day before. That is the price you pay for having some fun on the ice with studded tires. Probably did not help that is was night time when it happened. Melanie is one hardcore rider who is actively involved with all levels of our sport. Quick recovery Melanie and see you on the trails in no time.

As in the past, the clinic will run from morning right into the afternoon with a break for lunch. The best part…the guys make lunch for us. Oh and don’t forget guys…a steamy hot face cloth to clean our pretty faces before digging into our lunches would be a very nice, and most welcome, touch 🙂

So far, over 30 women of all ages have registered. There are programs for every skill level. Beginners no need to worry and advanced riders you are going to have loads of fun on the newly designed course. SCORRA was able to secure the help of a very generous land owner who is currently building a ‘track’ to our specifications. There will be a large flat area – perfect for beginners with lots of room so if you choose to lose control over your bike no worries…you won’t hit anybody or anything. Berms, ruts, a do-able table top and double jumps, logs, trails, and more all at our disposal.

What is more…at the end of the day there will be a random draw for a Mission Cycle gift certificate. I have been busy selling my ‘Ontario Women’ series posters featuring Jamie and Melanie as my too hot models. All profits from poster sales are going towards the purchase of a gift certificate. Simply, the more posters I sell the more gift certificates I can buy and the more names can be drawn out of a hat. And this is where you can help.

I decided to introduce the ‘Ontario Women’ series at this years clinic in an effort to help introduce more women into our sport. Wouldn’t it be cool to have more women riders out there? No more borrowing your BFF or your husbands gear. Time to get your own, look good and have proper fitting equipment. And, if your name gets drawn it’ll be free for you.

Spread the word. Buy a poster and support a woman(s) rider. Posters are 12 x 18 ” and printed on thick (12 pt) card stock, glossy and full colour. I purposely designed these posters to enhance the inside of your trailer, garage or house. Price = $20.00. Email me to reserve one. There are only 30 in print of each model.

Thanks for your help!


Honey...make sure dinner's on the table when I come back from my ride.Christmas time, she'll be happier with a bike.