On the Road with Trail Tours – Photo Report

© Cecile Gambin Photography With my rather heavy camera bag slung over my shoulders I dutifully followed Steve Weykamp and his staff down the overgrown single track with promises that I was going to love the next section of the ‘tour’. Steve did not disappoint as the trail opened up to turquoise waters, sandy white beaches and large pebble rocks. A throwback in time to my visits to Australia and Baja, Mexico. Stunningly though, I was in neither. Instead I was in Ontario and on the road with Trail Tours Dirt Bike & ATV School.

Expecting rain clouds anytime the sun shone brightly in defiance of the looming haze in the distance. I quickly took out my camera and started shooting. I can ride later…this was too beautiful…of epic proportions.

The Trail Tours staff taking five for yet another one of my photo stops. Thanks a heap for being so patient with me as I indulged in my other favourite pastime … photography!
Greg, Jess and Dylan soaking in some good times with friends.
A little bit BC rain forest right here in Ontario with valleys of moss covered cedar trees, old growth forest, lush green vegetation, and dark earthy soil.
Riding along the edge of the cliff on a quiet, meandering trail that led to a field of Ontario Trilliums in full bloom.


Ontario Trilliums - Ontario's provincial flower.
Ontario Trilliums – Ontario’s provincial flower.

This is not your typical Canadian Shield ride or endless pine tree single track tour. This is probably not common terrain you are used to riding and an advanced riding skill set is suggested. I urge you to give Steve a shout and book a tour with him and some of your buddies to discover this secret oasis. The stunning vistas, the good times with friends, the challenging ride and the expert and knowledgeable staff at Trail Tours will make for a great adventure. Although I was on official photography business I was not disappointed in my ride and nor will you.

3 thoughts on “On the Road with Trail Tours – Photo Report

  1. Had a great day Cecile! Unreal pictures! We will have to do this again sometime… and maybe find a way to lug your bags around easier haha

  2. Had a great day Cecile! Unreal pictures! We will have to do this again sometime… and maybe find a way to lug your bags around easier haha


    Trail Tours Staff

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