This is Brandon S. He’s young and he isn’t afraid of sending it. I spent the last two days both riding and taking photos at IOCO, BC. This is a trials bike only place and there are lots of big rocks and trees to hop up and over. Stuff that I can’t do but love seeing others do.
Just a few days before I was with Ron W. Ron, is a self-described ‘Old Trials Guy’. At 68 years young Ron puts the majority of riders to shame as he rides with precision meticulously placing the front wheel where it needs to be and not falling. We arrived at IOCO mid-morning and were treated to cooler temps, frost and fog. Lots of it. The rocks were particularly icy. Any wheel spin caused the frost to melt under the tire and immediately ice up. If it wasn’t for the non-smooth surface ice skates would have been a better choice.
The weather began changing and I wanted to head into the forest as I saw the fog started to shift. Rays of sunlight filtered in through the canopy of trees. It was magical. Riding became secondary as the priority was to photograph this beautiful light. Less than 30 minutes later the magic had disappeared. I put my camera away and spent the rest of the morning riding.