Winter Cottage Fun

Decided to head up to our cottage for some winter fun this past Family Day Weekend. Of course, we chose a very cold weekend!! But I was rewarded with some cool clouds and bright blue skies. My biggest challenge was keeping the whites white while not blowing out the snow during daytime shots and staying warm. My best pictures were during the early morning however, I didn’t last too long out there as there was a vicious windshield (-35C) and my fingers and face were frozen. That and the ice kept groaning and creaking as it expanded with the cold. That’s got to be the most unnerving sound!!! Needless to say, I kept close to shore although I knew the ice was at least 1.5 – 2 feet thick! I’m such a wimp.

So I’m working on a few pictures which I’m hoping to put up in my website gallery soon. I’m also planning on showing a few at this years Ojibway Art Show. I may also show them also at Ben Navaee Gallery as I have a show coming up sometime in early spring. Of course, I’ll let you konw all about that when the time comes 🙂

My favourite pictures of the weekend though are of my oldest son ‘Ice Fishing’. Priceless!! Gotta love the Mickey Mouse fishing rod that comes with a red plastic fish all ready tied to the line!!

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