Just opened up my annual donation form for IMBA (and yes…if you ride mtb’s you should be an IMBA member so trails can stay open!!) and found one of my photos that I donated to IMBA being used for the flyer. Very cool seeing one of my pics being used! Thanks to my friend Tammie for being such a great sport and riding that line over and over again until I could set up my lighting 🙂
Tammie, Natalie, my parents, my 2 kids and myself headed up to the trails last year. While I was busy taking pictures and setting up my SB-800’s my parents took care of my wee ones. Of course, my phone didn’t work in all areas, I got 2 flats while trying to get some riding in after the shooting sessions, and after a few hours Luc had had enough and started crying. But at least I was able to pull out a couple of decent pics.
Ahhh…the joys and perils of taking pictures while being a full-time mommy. Always an adventure. Have I told you about the time I went into the a poison ivy infested area …