Today was all about meeting people and having fun while riding.
This is my friend Gary. He took Melanie, Dave and myself out for an amazing ride through the Simcoe County Forest trails. He was riding a Hercules – a really cool bike with a very sticky and heavy clutch lever. But, man could he move that bike through the singletrack!!
I also got to meet my fellow contributor on Traction magazine – Melanie (column Northern Twist). She drove down from Sudbury to ride with us!! She’s one hard-core chick who doesn’t give up and can take a beating and still stand tall. Need more women like her on the trails! Living up in Sudbury she only rides on rock. I mean Sudbury’s just one gigantic rock, isn’t it? hehehehe…
And check out these custom design graphics from Tattz 4 Toys . While on a water break I met the local riders – The Dirty Onions – and noticed quite a few bikes with really cool graphics. Turns out the creator, Jen Cole, was on hand. I’m going to have to do an article for Traction on this business. Well…I’ll share the duties with Melanie – she can write and I’ll take the pictures 🙂
I also met Dave, Gary’s Friend. He reminded me of one of those guys who you want to have around. He just seemed very trustworthy and honorable! I didn’t get to talk to him too much as I was busy taking pictures and riding but he struck me as a solid guy!! Plus, his Yamaha looked great in the greenery!
So my goal today was to have fun, and take some pictures without killing my equipment. Especially since I was carrying my Nikon D90 in my cambelback along with one SB-800. I know…silly me. I noticed Gary was carrying what looked like am extra large sized soft toolbox around his waist so I decided he would have enough variety of tools to fix the Yamaha, and his Hercules. Melanie and I were both on KTM200’s and they RARELY need fixing. So I decided to leave my tools and take the camera instead. I must admit though I REALLY MISSED my Nikon 24-70mm AF-S lens. It’s super fast and sharp. Hurry up Nikon and fix it so I can put it back on my camera!
Thanks for the great day today and HUGE thank you again to my husband David for taking care of the kids!!