For riders interested in handling big and small off-road bikes in challenging terrain Rally Connex’s ‘Spring Training’ is a must. On Sunday, May 5 Rally Connex took an assortment of dual-sport bikes and led them over obstacles that are typically found while off-roading. From gravel roads to full-on mud pits…the Spring Training session provided confidence, skills and techniques to conquer life without pavement. CGP was on hand for the event, racing between the big bikes and their smaller counter parts with a loaded backpack and my trusty KTM. For photos of the event please click HERE.

Included in the day was a chance to learn to ride rock piles, long steep hills, logs of various sizes, mud holes, and handling slow turns in both slick and off-camber situations. Riders also learned how to use, and navigate using a GPS unit including must have tips and tricks. Rally Connex put on a superb event that was well organised and taught. Whether your goal is to improve your riding skill set or to feel more at ease on a 500lb behemoth this is one class you should make a point to attend next year.
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Sorry I missed all the fun. By the looks of the instructor’s I think Kevin is sharing the contamination from working at the nuclear plant too long.
Hey Dave,
LOL!!! I’m sure Kevin will love that comment!! It was indeed tons of fun to be there – a great group of people!