Rally Connex Spring Training 2013 Photo Report

Rally Connex CGP-2For riders interested in handling big and small off-road bikes in challenging terrain Rally Connex’s ‘Spring Training’ is a must. On Sunday, May 5 Rally Connex took an assortment of dual-sport bikes and led them over obstacles that are typically found while off-roading. From gravel roads to full-on mud pits…the Spring Training session provided confidence, skills and techniques to conquer life without pavement. CGP was on hand for the event, racing between the big bikes and their smaller counter parts with a loaded backpack and my trusty KTM. For photos of the event please click HERE.

Rally Connex CGP-5
The riders begin to assemble for a lesson on gravel turns and slow off-camber turns.
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Negotiating the extra long deeply rutted mud hole.
Learning to ride a long, steep downhill in control.
Learning to ride a long, steep downhill in control.
Rally Connex CGP
A KTM950 riding down what is a hill. Impressive to say the least. Not only was this hill steep it was long and intimidating.
Lee Martin demonstrating how to get started again on a hill after a fall.
Lee Martin demonstrating how to pick up your bike back and point it in the right direction (i.e. down the hill) safely after a tumble.
Learn to read and decipher your GPS for some off the pavement fun.
Learn to read and decipher your GPS for some off the pavement fun.
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Rally Connex instructor Laura ripping up the obstacle course with ease.
A message from Lee, Rally Connex instructor: 'come out, learn and have fun!'
A message from Lee Martin, Rally Connex instructor: ‘come out, learn and have fun!’


Rally Connex CGP-6
In good hands with the Rally Connex instructors.

Included in the day was a chance to learn to ride rock piles, long steep hills, logs of various sizes, mud holes, and handling slow turns in both slick and off-camber situations. Riders also learned how to use, and navigate using a GPS unit including must have tips and tricks. Rally Connex put on a superb event that was well organised and taught. Whether your goal is to improve your riding skill set or to feel more at ease on a 500lb behemoth this is one class you should make a point to attend next year.

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