It was all thumbs up for the SCORRA Ladies Training Day. A day filled of learning, bikes, laughter and good food is always an great day. Thanks to Jenn Cole for organising this years event and to Todd and Angie for graciously hosting, and building, the track, log section, mud pit – basically our entire training ground. My goal for this year was to build on what we had been working on over the last few years and gradually increase the level of intensity and difficulty for the advanced riders.
Again, we had the use of the entire field and Todd did an amazing job of building what we asked for. Having a large open grassy (and muddy in some areas) is always a great idea for teaching offroad clinics as it builds confidence and is safe. We divided the group into three according to ability and comfort level. Megan took the beginners and ran them through a series of skills and drills. By the end of the day their comfort level had increased ten fold. Some even graduated into the intermediate group by the afternoon! Jaime, Tammie, Melanie and myself took the intermediate to advanced groups where we worked on getting the front wheel airborne, gradually progressing them over logs of various widths, mud, jumps, berms (both the offroad and the mx way), and turning the bikes at either a slow or fast speed. As always it was great to work with experienced instructors: Megan Grummet, Jaime Kowitz, Melanie Lamoureux, and Tammie Wilson.
By the end of the afternoon I took out my small point and shoot camera and managed to grab a few photos. I decided to leave the big camera in the bag so I could focus on the instruction. We will just have to meet for a ladies ride and I’ll break out the real camera then 🙂
I do have a few more photos and was running out of room to upload them all on this blog. Email me with your bike and name and I’ll fire off a photo for you (intermediate/advanced groups in the afternoon only – sorry can’t be in 2 places at once). It was great to see everyone…many returning and lots of new women riders out there. See you next year.

Ah the only one of me is in the porta potty hahahaha funny great shots what a great day!! Thanks Cecile
Thought you’d like this one of you :p