SDBA Barry Groundwater Memorial XC Race 2014

© Cecile Gambin PhotographyThe PNWMA first XC kicked off the 2014 season with the Barry Groundwater Memorial race. CGP was on hand capturing the event. Please click HERE for all event photos.

CGP SDBADespite the bleak forecast the SDBA reported over 140 riders braving the mud, and slick roots. Touted as one of the hardest races of the season the former Cat Scratch Fever XC separates the weak from the tough. In abundance were rocks and roots, and for the A riders a long, technical uphill and two challenging enduro sections. Yet despite the arduous conditions riders came out in droves to compete and face the elements knowing that by the end of the race the word ‘tired’ would be a huge understatement. Perhaps because it is a well organised event, and spectators encourage and support the riders cheering, helping and urging them on. Or perhaps it’s because it is the first event of the year and competitors are eager to begin the race season. What ever the reason it’s apparent that this is a race to attend and in the end the challenges it presents only serve to help a rider become stronger, more skilled and ready to tackle the rest of the season.

A spectator laughs off the mud as he got roosted from helping out a stuck rider in the swamp.
A spectator laughs off the mud from the roost he received helping out a rider in the swamp.
Ryan Dey showing his skills in one of the many rocky, rooty yet breathtakingly beautiful S turns.
Ryan Dey showing his skills in one of the many rocky, rooty yet breathtakingly beautiful S turns.

Many thanks are extended to Steve Klassen and Ted Blow for helping me find my way around the course. It is indeed a photographers dream (eye candy). Finally, kudos to ALL the volunteers who worked unselfishly before and after the event – without you there is no race. Love you all!!

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