Riding the A Loop with the DSBC crew

© Cecile Gambin PhotographyTo finish the article I am currently writing for Traction eRag Magazine I decided it was necessary to ride the ‘A Loop’ of the Fall Newbie Ride to give a more complete overview of the ride. I took my Gas Gas TXT 200 trials bike and was called a cheater by some of the DSBC members (LOL!!) for using such a light weight bike but I am glad I did as we hit snow. I know it would have been a handful and the thought of falling with rather heavy and expensive camera equipment on my back and my KTM 200 didn’t really appeal to me. After all, this is the A Loop and Tom Timmerman, president of the DSBC was quoted saying this was hard because it is the HARDEST. To see more photos please click HERE.

As promised the A Loop did not disappoint. Buffalo Jump, Parish Hill…all trails that deserve a blog on their own. Six riders in total (7 by the end of the day) travelled together and knocked off one trail after another. One hill after another. One mud hole after another until our tires no longer travelled on dirty, wet leaves but left traces across fresh, wet snow. As we climbed the snow became deeper and wetter.

Riding along a narrow goat path, rocks hidden under a foot of snow the trail turned and opened to reveal a bowl. My jaw dropped and I had to stop to take photos. It was eye candy. Every turn was as beautiful as the last – snow covered pine trees absent of noise – it was a true winter wonderland. I stopped several times. I had to – the photographer inside me begged me to.

I had not ridden in snow in a long time and it was indeed a test of balance. I was called a cheater for using my trials bike but I don’t think I was. In fact, in my eyes the others were cheating as they sat and paddled their way through the deep stuff. I, on the other hand, have no seat. The difficulty came when the snow and ice would freeze creating a layer of ice on my pegs after crossing open creeks. My feet would slip off pushing me forward onto my bars and digging my front wheel into the soft snow. This was on the flats. The downhill was another story as my rear brake kept freezing up forcing me to use more front brake than wanting and again causing my front end to dig in. But, I survived and it was fun and I only fell once…of course, in front of everybody.

© Cecile Gambin Photography

© Cecile Gambin Photography

I'm all smiles after this ride. The scenery was unreal!!
I’m all smiles after this ride. The scenery was unreal!! Our ride stopped here and we were forced to double-back as the snow and trail were too hard on Parish Hill. Next year I will have to tackle the boulder infested hill.
Riding along the ridge of the bowl. Check out the 3 riders from our group below.


Sylvain's Beta all snow covered and looking pretty in red.
Sylvain’s Beta all snow covered and looking pretty in red.
Having left the snow behind Mitch expertly navigates his bike through a rocky part of the trail.
Having left the snow behind Mitch expertly navigates his bike through a rocky part of the trail.


From an alpine setting to a tropical environment this ride had it all.
From an alpine setting to a tropical environment this ride had it all.
So much eye candy and great trails to ride.
So much eye candy and great trails to ride.

Thanks again to Tom Timmerman for leading the group and taking me out on an amazing ride. I’m still in awe at the scenery and the fun time riding in the snow along narrow goat paths. Next week Tom has a call out for DSBC members to help clean up and maintain the trails in the area. If you can lend a hand contact the club for more information – preserving trails and keeping them safe for our use is important to us all. Thanks for all the hard work!!










4 thoughts on “Riding the A Loop with the DSBC crew

  1. Hi Cecile, I’m amazed how the pictures look. Looking at the pictures is like being there and doing the ride again. Was nice to meet you. We had an awesome riding day. Cheers.

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