Kelso Ride

Revisiting some pictures I took this summer at Kelso Conservation Area with my friends Eaphan and Tammie. Now that big guy is in school and I’m with little guy, I kinda but not always, have a bit more time for myself. Funny how I thought that having one child is really hectic. Now it seems so easy!!

So I decided to give these pictures either a Black and White or Sepia treatment. I’m sure I’ll revisit these in a few weeks. Just because I tend to that sometimes. Sometimes if I leave if I don’t look at a picture for a while…a whole bunch of new ideas come to mind, and than I either start all over again or I tweak things to make them (hopefully) better!

It was a beautiful day – perfect blue skies with wispy clouds, and warm. Well…hot actually. Eaphan and Tammie were great as I asked them to ride a line over and over and over again. Thanks (again) guys!!

I’m hoping to get some more pictures of 2 wheeled action and now that I’ve got my dream camera I’m gonna love shooting in the woods!!