Homage to Ice 2012

The 2012 race season has begun with the annual, and unpredictable, ‘Homage 2 Ice’ event. Unpredictable only because of Mother Nature. This early season race has seen snowy fields and icy trails in the past but despite the call for steady rain the trails were hard packed and dustless. Perfect to test winter legs and hone rusty technical skills.

Dan Marshall of Substance Projects executed a flawless event. Listening to riders, Dan put together a seamless 25 km loop with the right amount of climbing and lots of fun, flowy singletrack. Held at the Mansfield Outdoor Centre, Dan had two events to choose from: a 25 km and double your fun with the 50 km option. ‘Substance Projects’ even had a race for kids. Taking home the gold, Liam was visibly knackered after a hard fought race on trails specially built for little cruisers. His little legs rocked that bike!

Kudos to Dan and his tireless crew for hosting a great event complete with über cool music and a burgers on the barbie. Congratulations are also extended for all the participants for a race well done. It was great to see everyone and seeing everyone ride with smiles on their faces made me miss riding myself.

Check out my entire photo album – just click on the Gallery tab and hit ‘For Riders’. My new website is now up and running and viewing event photos (yes…they are all now on my website and not somewhere else) and making purchases have just become easier.

Thanks for stopping by and looking. Check out this and other great cycling stories and pics on Ontario’s own ‘Riding Feels Good’ website.